Pigment Blue 15:1 affords medium blue shade, exhibits excellent light and weather fastness. PB15:1 is a great commercial important pigment in almost all area, It provides excellent migration fastness while using in plastics. PB15:1 types also often employed in combination with other pigments like Pigment Violet 23 to achieve navy blue shade.
1. Coatings: used for all types of paints, include automotive finishes and refinishes. It almost fast to over coating and non plate out, leads used in oven drying systems and powder coatings. Also extend used for emulsion paints, textile printing systems and pastes etc.
2. Inks: used for most types of inks. But it will react with accelerators and hardening agents that may not used for decorative inks printing on polyester-based sheets;
3. Plastics: used for all plastics include PE, PP, PVC, PS, PA, PC, PUR foams
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